

2019年4月16日,爱荷华州森林城 澳门网上博彩官方网站2019年春季问询将于4月23日下午6-8:30举行.m.4月24日下午6点至7点半.m.4月30日晚6-8:30.m.5月1日下午6点至7点半.m. 5月2日下午6:30-8点.m.. 所有的演讲都将在路易丝五号举行. 汉森图书馆201室,位于106 S. 第六个圣. 森林城市,爱荷华州. 演讲是免费向公众开放的.
Spring Inquirere是学生们分享他们在未毕业的职业生涯中一直在做的项目的时候. 以下是今年的演讲者名单和将讨论的主题. 
6:00:主题演讲:Dr. 尼尔·伯恩斯坦,中山大学名誉教授. 梅西大学(Cedar Rapids)和爱荷华大学兼职教授. “How an ornithologist started looking at the ground; or, 当你走到岔路口的时候, 把它”
7点:坦纳B. Schmitz and Grace Engelman (Biology) "A genomics-informed investigation of the effect of TGFb signaling in Emery-Dreyfus muscular dystrophy"
7:30: Sara Vettleson-Trutza (Biology and Honors) "Measuring the effects of Bisphenol-A on the cognitive development of 鼠形 通过嗅觉训练”
8:00: Rose Heurtelou (Biology) "Engineering a stable variant of KDM6B to investigate its role in Wnt signaling sensitivity to iron chelators"
6:00: Donnica Keeling (Creative Writing) "Folklore and Fairytale"
6:30: Ellie Peters (Creative Writing) "Cuppa Joe's"
7:00: Keisha LaShaye Hendry (Creative Writing) "Am I Black Enough?"
6:00: Hannah Ashley and Sydney Beasley (Biology) "Identification of polymorphisms within the MAFB and Keratin 8/18 locithat influence risk for non-syndromic orofacial clefting"
6:30: Nicholas Justyn Ray (Biology) "Studies of malic enzyme: A potential drug target for Emery Dreifuss muscular dystrophy"
7:00: Bailey Matthaidess (Biology) "The effects of sepsis on skeletal muscle mitochondria over time"
7:30: Kyla Kern (Biology) "Histological examination of Bisphenol A (BPA) Effects on adult rat brains"
8:00: Shaylen Motter (Biology) "The prevalence and antibiotic resistance of 金黄色葡萄球菌 在澳门网上博彩官方网站”
6:00: Jeremy Scott Navarro (Creative Writing) "Journals from the Deep Web"
6:30: Ruth Worrell (English and Honors) "The Hatred of Creative Writing"
7:00: Mandi Wright (Creative Writing) "This is a Long Thesis for Someone with Nothing to Write 关于"
6:30: Asmita KC (Honors Thesis) "#metoo"
7:00:华尔道夫宣教团(安托万·康明斯), advisor) "San Diego service learning trip experience" 
7:30: Mackinze Thill (Honors Thesis) "Cults"
我们鼓励公众参加,以支持所做的努力,并体验澳门网上博彩官方网站学生群体的动态思想. 如欲查询更多资料,请联络Suzanne Falck-Yi falckyis@salamzone.com.
成立于1903年, 澳门网上博彩官方网站是一所地区认可的文理大学,位于森林城市的中心, 爱荷华州. 华德福通过创新的住宿和在线教学提供引人入胜的学习体验, 提供学生助理, 商务领域的学士和硕士学位和证书, 沟通, 刑事司法行政, 教育, 音乐, 心理学, 戏剧及其他. 访问澳门网上博彩官方网站.Edu .了解更多.